Optimization: Production & Logistics

ADVVAL has implemented linear optimization techniques in several domains, leveraging it´s skilled workforce including Engineers, Mathematicians and SW Engineers.
Additionally, ADVVAL is at the forefront of quantum computing in order to solve optimization problems that are not feasible today with conventional computers and address non-linear optimization problems.
Examples of achievements in this area include, among others:
    • Optimization of a campaigns plan (i.e., mapping of customers to be addressed with a set of different commercial propositions), from a financial standpoint (and in function of the financial metric desired: ROI, NPV short term, NPV long term, …) and taking into account a number of constraints in the system (promotions budget, channel capacity, requirements of sales of specific products, etc.)
    • Optimization of the manufacturing of a plastics company (e.g., mapping between factories and product that they should produce) in the light of capacity, labor costs, distance to the client demanding the products, etc.